Fange deine Lieblingsbenutzer im Chat!
Was ist Wopicatch?
Wopicatch ist einfach nur ein simples Spiel für den Twitch Chat, welches in einem Gehirnfurz entstanden ist. Mit !wopicatch (Benutzername) kann man in teilnehmenden Kanälen versuchen, andere aktive Benutzer im Chat mit verschiedenen Bällen (Wopiballs) zu fangen und in die eigene Sammlung (Wopibox) zu packen.
Eigentlich war nicht geplant, das Spiel generell verfügbar zu machen, aber viele Benutzer wollten es unbedingt haben, also ist es nun hier. :)
Hier auf der Webseite kann man sich seine Sammlung anschauen wie auch sein Inventar (Wopibag) verwalten.
(Aus Zeitgründen ist nicht die komplette Webseite auf Deutsch übersetzt)
LoginNews and Updates
These are the most recent news. To see all previous news, join the Discord.
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update in the WhatsApp channel: WhatsApp News Channel
Dev Stream (Oct, 23rd) summary
October, 23rd 2024
So here a quick review what was happening during the dev stream
- Wopibucks cap raised from 50000 to 65000 so you can buy 10 gold balls at once on the website for the free ball. I know people hated it that it was not possible. :)
- wopiCatch has quests! Go to the website to find the first two quests. Daily and Weekly quests will be added very soon.
- New Event, the Jack-O-Event goes live on Friday!
- Start: October, 25th
- End: October, 25th
- This is the first event utilizing quests! Three quest lines will drop a good amount of
and also some Wopieggs. Also, there is a small chance that the game drops a Jack-O-Ball after you caught an user successfully.
- New Event Ball: The Jack-O-Ball!
- -- 50% catch chance, no matter if the target is already in your Wopibox or not
- 1% Shiny chance instead of 0.1% default chance
- +2 on all 4 stat values
- Next Dev Stream on November, 10th.
- Dev Stream VOD here: Twitch VOD
Hello friends! Its me, your new friend, Conduits!
August, 10th 2024
After like 18 hours of work I switched over the game fully to Conduits. Its a new way to receive chat messages. wopiCatch does not run on IRC chat anymore, so the problems of the bot not joining your channel are history since it now is automatically in all your streams as soon as you enable the game. This is considered beta, since I rushed developing it after so many of you had issues playing the game recently. But I think I have built it pretty stable. There may be still kinks I do not know of yet and I have to monitor the stability of it. But for now, it seems to run fine. It replaced the old chat core I used for 4 years on my bots (ElBierro will switch soon when it works fine on wopiCatch).
If the game is not working in your stream, re-enable it in the streamer section of the wopiCatch website.
This finally also allows me to work on features again! So new stuff will be coming your way soon! \o/
If you want to support the development of the game, it has a Ko-Fi where you can support me investing more time into the game.
If somethings not working, let me know in the #wopicatch-help channel on DiscordWopibucks payouts: Bugfix for viewers, Wopibucks for live streamers
March, 3rd 2024
Bugfix: So, ElBierro and wopiCatch both have their own activity trackers for users in chats.
They are basis for different stats, on wopiCatch for tracking who was active in chat for catchability and
also for Wopibucks payouts.
I did switch it for catch availability, but not for Wopibucks payouts. So basically, no Wopibucks were paid
out in Streams having wopiCatch, but not ElBierro :D That one was a needle in a haystack!
This is fixed now. Those few streamers not having ElBierro in stream also now get payouts for their players.
Wopibucks being paid out also for streamers now: While I was fixing this problem, I also implemented Wopibucks for Live streamers. This means, from now on, streamers will gain Wopibucks when they are live - even when they are not active in their own chat. The Wopibucks go against the daily 7500 Bucks limit and also can't go over your Wopivault limit (currently 50000 Bucks for everyone), so you can't get more Bucks from streaming.
Bonus purchase items
February, 14th 2024
For each purchase on the website, you now get 1 bonus item per 10 items bought. If you buy 10 Wopiballs, you
get 11. If you buy 23, you get 25.
This does not apply to the !wopishop command in chat. Website only.
wopiCatch is now disabled on ElBierro
January, 22nd 2024
Streamers, who did not switch to the new bot in time can just re-enable the game in the streamer section here on the website
Updates from Dev Stream
January, 14th 2024
I realized that you guys love to try-hard getting the best catches and not just the catches themselves. So these changes have been applied during the stream:
- Penalty for already existing catches of the user you already have: 3% => 2% per existing catch
- Wopibucks Vault from 25000 to 50000
- Goldball Price from 10000 to 6500
Also, wopiTV channel subs now can use emotes to catch users. See attached slide for details.
WhatsApp News Channel
January, 14th 2024
From now on I'll post any news about wopiCatch on WhatsApp. If you want to follow the news channel, Click here to join the channel.
I will not be able to obtain
your mobile phone number if you join the channel.
Snowball Event ended / Buy and sell on the website
January, 8th 2024
Well, that was a fun snowball event. It ended. If you still had snowballs, they stay in your Wopibag and you
still can use them. Snowballs will not appear anymore in the !wopiballs command, but you still can see them
on the website.
Also, I unlocked buying and selling items on the Website. Click on an item to buy/sell them. Let me know if
you encounter issues. I'll monitor the feature.
Live issue fixed
January, 6th 2024
Sometimes the bot does not get a go live from Twitch, which resulted in catches not working in affected
streams. I implemented now a check that automatically fixes this if this problem occurs. So hopefully no
more fixing live status for me. :D
(this only works in streams that already use the new bot)
Jetzt live!
Diese Streamer sind gerade live und haben das Spiel aktiviert
gr1mreap3r07, TendyyLife, CritPirate, runahaye, KMoneyFPV, dawnwave16, ViniRamosSA, ItsTacAttack, MotherDuckie, Sir_Richard_Satchel, BrianVaughnVA, lokihexdrag, Drudgerius, s0lskynn, stabstabash, Rafipi, highvoltage032, Valzie1, DatDaddyZaddy, Rudoculus, tatsuya_inc, sighduckkkkk, Cryyptos, maxim2224, Shadowlands, Phynster94, SgtRudeAss, LosCuatroAmigos, FrostyShrineGamer, BronchitisGaming, BLKROSEVII, InaraWulf, Seano, quake5007, Aident_47, Cyrath, ToxicDevilTTV, Visionz44, EViL_XRL, Northwindtweak, xcourtx_ttv