Die Roadmap ist eine Liste an Aufgaben, welche ich fertigstellen möchte und eine Liste an Ideen für das Spiel. Sie ist ausschließlich in Englisch gehalten.
Fehlt dir hier was? Schreib mir gerne deine Ideen im wopiCatch Discord. :-)
No Ping-Wopicatch
Respecting people who do not want to play the game or do not want to be mentioned/pinged with their username
- In progressNo ping wopiCatch (including Kulsius' Idea: Add silent characters like +)
- In progress!wopiname - Set an alternative name so the bot does not ping you when people catch/flex you.
- In progressOpt-Out (if someone really does not like to be caught) with longer cooldown to discourage troll usage
- DONECatch Karma - Raises item drop probability for people who catch with the + method not pinging people (done before item drops are a thing haha).
To-Do Bot/Game
- TODOSwitch bot from IRC over to Conduit
- DONEImplement grabbing user data from chat instead of Twitch API to make game faster and reduce API calls
- TODO!wopidaily - incentivise daily activity with !wopidaily streak bonusses or just by catching x days in a row
- TODO!wopigive - Admin command to give items to users
- TODO!wopidrop - Command for featured streamers to drop one of their streamer items to a random active user in chat (They'll get 10[tbd] per month).
- TODO!wopishinies - List recent shinies caught in the current channel.
- TODO!wopicatch failsafe to still work even when balltype is stated before username to catch
- TODO!wopiupdate to easily refresh usernames
- TODOOptional item argument for !wopibag to display amount of item in bag
- TODO!wopicatch tells people when they use the wrong order (ball user instead of user ball)
- TODOLow Spam mode for chat commands?
- TODOWhen storage limit is implented, make it extendable
- TODOCollection challenges (like, Dexes)?
- TODOUse Wopiball emote instead of !wopicatch for catching users
- TODO+10% Wopibucks and daily cap for wopiTV followers (more reach for future dev streams!)
- DONEBUG!commands are case-sensitive.
- DONEStreamers who are live get Wopibucks payouts.
- IDEA!wopigrab - Item spawns in chat, grab with ur wopihand, silverhand or goldhand.
- IDEACatches can learn abilities which can activate once a week. They learn them through special items.
To-Do Website
- TODONews Archive (Put updates in the game not just into the Discord)
- TODONews feed (Your catches, when you're getting caught, other in-game activity, game updates)
- TODOUser settings
- TODOStreamer settings
- In progressQuests and Quest lines
- TODOCatches this week/this month
- TODOUsers with most distinct catches in box
- TODOPlayer profiles (Displays badges, items, flexed user, catch and caught statistics...)
- TODOAchievments! (Flex up to 3 on your user profile)
- In progressTrading catches (similar to wondercatches in pokemon)
- In progressSelling catches (10 wopibucks per stats point)
- TODOCreate collection cards out of catches (and make them printable, maybe?)
- TODOWopigrounds: Have buildings which can be upgraded, like the vault to store more Wopibucks
- TODOContests (Kinda like PoGo Showcases?)
- TODODiscord login
- TODOHeatmap - see in which streams wopicatch is actively being played right now, replaces the current live streams-list since the game grows fast
- TODOAdd polling to Wopibox for the Catch countdown so reloading is not required for it to update
- In progressMod Tools
- TODOUser Avatars
To-Do/Ideas items
*Items can rarely drop after successful catches. Also, items can be purchased in the in game store for Wopibucks. Where useable from chat, every item will have its own !wopi command, like !wopiboost or !wopirandom*
- TODORandom Ball: Catch random user? (suggested by Zederia) - different rarities with 30%, 50%, 80% and 100% catch probability?
- TODOItems to boost shiny probability
- TODOFollower ball: +2% base catch rate for every month the target user is following the channel where the catch happens with a cap of +40% :D
- TODOSubscription Star: 24 hour duration - gives +x% bonus catch% if you catch someone with a sub badge in the current channel
- TODOYoink ball: 100% catch rate. Like a master ball.
- TODODerp Ball: Random +catch probability from +5% to +85% :D
- TODORolling Ball? Ball that increases in effectiveness longer stream is up (up to 90% at 6h mark) [kulsius]
- TODOEarly Ball? Ball thats the strongest at the start of the stream [kulsius]
- TODOName length or odd/even name length balls? [kulsius]
- TODOReversal Ball with higher capture chance (50%?) when thrown at a person that tried a capture user less than a minute ago. (basically, No U ball)? [kulsius]
- TODOWopistar: Item for streamers per shiny caught in their stream
- TODOHype Ball: Increases catch probability during a hype train (+bypasses cooldown once)
- TODORetry Ball: Instantly retry catching a user bypassing the 3 hours cooldown
- TODOInsurance Item
- In progressCommunity Item: 4 Leaf Clover giving +4 Shiny odds for 24 hours
- TODOGift Ball: The caught user has a 25% chance getting a wopidrop.
- TODOArmy Ball: You are building an army of catches of the same users? Use this ball which catch% penalty is capped at 35%!
- TODOTyronis in Discord: Rusty ball ("In Rust We Trust") - 10% catch rate, but successful catch has 30% higher stats
- TODOTycheez in Discord: Hero Ball: Increased chance to catch the streamer (?% Chance), catch penalty cap (maybe cant go lower than 20% catch chance), this ball is purely for farming your favorite streamer, (less effective/no effect on anyone other than the broadcaster)
- TODOTycheez in Discord: Magnet Glove: an equippable item that gives you a 10% chance for your wopiball to return to your bag on a failed catch (works with any ball)
To-Do/Ideas Quests
- (Idea, tbd) XP Leveling - Get XPs for actions on wopiCatch and level up
- Weekly Quests like "Catch 10 streamers in their stream","Catch users whose username begins with an A" or "Catch users whose usernames contain a number" and more :D
- Alphabet Quest line catching users from A-Z
- Numbers Quest line catching users containing a 0, 1, 2, ...
- Quests to catch streamers in their own channel (discover new streamers!)
- Quests to catch someone you never caught before
To-Do/Ideas PvP/Fighting/Battles/Duels
Ok, PvP or any kind of battles are things for the far future, but we still can collect Ideas.. :)
- First instance of battling might be simple chat battles
- Need to have moves to use. Might create moves with meme names or alter pokemon move names to be memelike (Ancient Power=>Ancient Poggers, Sacred Fire => Scared Fire) :-D
- Equipment (Weapons, Armors, Amuletts, Charms etc to boost stats)
Yes, developing this game costs a lot of time, and therefor, money. There will be some fun features which can be unlocked for real world bucks to support development for those who want to develop the project. I do not want to do pay2win features.
- Wopipass (Battle pass for wopicatch) [needs concept]
- TODOCatchlines: (Users can do a "bark" that the bot sends to chat when they get caught) (Suggested by JeshBeWildin)
- TODOUse emote instead of !wopicatch for catching users (available with subbing to the wopitv channel)
- TODOPing in Discord when 15 minutes / 3 hours are over
- TODOUsers can pimp their catch cards