wopiCatch Snowball Event

The first wopiCatch event!



Well, I thought, that we do a tiny event with the abilities the game offers in its current state :D

Each of your successful catches can reward you with a snowball (35% chance)!

What's the Snowball?

The snowball is a new ball type that has a 45% catch rate and also adds 99 points to the shiny odds, making it at least a 1 in 100 chance for your catch to be shiny!

Update December, 27th: Your snowball also has a guaranteed catch rate of 30% if you already have a lot of the user you are trying to catch. The penalty is capped at -15% for this ball.

The bot will tell you in your catch message if you also got a snowball. If you got one, just use it in a !wopicatch, for example !wopicatch Twitch snowball to catch Twitch with a Snowball.

I said: Do not spend them all at once, because there was supposed players to be able to craft something cool out of these Snowballs, but sadly I could not finish the feature it in time. So.. next Snowball event then. :D Also, Snowballs will not disappear after the snowball event ends.

Snowballs dropped with catches during this event: 3247